A few sites from today's blue and gold day and our spirit week class competitions. This year the juniors were victorious.
Attention Spartans: Today's Homecoming parade begins at 5:00. The parade route starts at the Scottville post office and runs north on Main St. all the way north to Beryl St. Then up Beryl west to Spartan Community Field. Line Main St. and Beryl on both sides to support our teams, organizations, band and cheerleaders!
It's a fine MCC tradition! The annual tractor parade for the elementary and middle school students for Farmer Day.
Thank you to Thomas Valles from McFarland USA for coming to MCC today to speak about drugs/alcohol, violence in the home and staying in school.
A good effort by the Juniors and the victory for the Seniors. They win the annual powder puff game 20-0 tonight at Spartan Community Field. Farmer Day tomorrow with the fine MCC tradition, the tractor parade, at the end of the school day.
We had a great time for our generations dress-up day. Even staff got into the act. Freshmen-babies, Sophomores-toddlers, Juniors-middle age and Seniors-senior citizens. Powder Puff Football tonight! 6:30pm at Spartan Community Field.
Dedicated Juniors - Powderpuff practice at 7am … the 34 degree weather did not deter them!
Our English/Language Arts team competed in the first league competition at Hart on Tuesday. No results yet, but kids were very proud of their work as was Coach Ms. Brock.
Congratulations to the September "Spartans of the Month!
9th-Andrea Lopez nominated by Mr. Sanders
10th-Abel Edmondson nominated by Mrs. O'Connor and Mr. Weinert
11th-Nathan Wild nominated by Mrs. O'Connor
12th-Jose Lopez nominated by Mr. Sanders
We had our Spirit Week kickoff and recognition assembly today. Recognizing all fall sports, marching band, ELA team, Esports, play cast and crew and the homecoming court on Pajama Day!
All the seasons are covered for our spirit week theme "Spartans Through the Seasons." It's a big week at MCC!!!
Spirit Week and homecoming are this week! Our theme is "Spartans for All Seasons." The dress up days are listed here! It's going to be a fun week at MCC!
Mason county central schools would like to remind families that there will be no school on Friday October 4th as our staff will be participating in a professional development day. We hope you have a wonderful long weekend and we will see you back at school on Monday October 7th
Studying for tomorrow’s chemistry test by playing Go Fish, War, and Battleship in Mrs. Nekolas 1st hour.
Government students in Mrs. O'Connor's class held a simulation debate on Federalism vs. Antifederalism. Students took on the roles of early American governmental officials in the discussion.
Thanks to all volleyball parents during Spartan Volleyball parents night!
The Title I Kick off Back to School is coming up this Friday October 4th. You won't want to miss this event. Look for the Blue and Gold decorated tent outside Spartan Community Field. Please see attached Flyer for more information.
Click/touch the link below for the latest MCC High School Newsletter.
The showing up is job #1 ice cream social is done for the day. Thanks once again to House of Flavors for rewarding the students for positive attendance at MCC! Also thanks to House of Flavors employees and MCC alumni Marla Nelson (2008) and Kody Ambrose (2014) for being here.
We are getting ready for our positive, attendance, ice cream, social sponsored by House of Flavors! Students are being rewarded for showing up and showing up is job #1