Our first day of Free Meals For Kids was a HUGE Success!! 400 lunches and breakfasts were distributed today by our Rock Star Food Service and Transportation Departments. Proud to be a SPARTAN!!! See you tomorrow.
almost 5 years ago, MCC Schools
Bus + loaded coolers
Upper El Distribution
MCC Food Service getting Free Meals for Kids Ready. See you at the distribution hubs.
almost 5 years ago, MCC Schools
FS 1
Meal Distribution Schedule
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Kimes
Due to Governor and health official recommendations regarding social distancing beyond 100 people, we will be postponing the Daddy Daughter Dance scheduled for 3/13. Sorry for any inconvenience. We will let you know on another date when it’s established. Thanks.
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Kimes
We are recognizing students displaying kindness at MCC UE with these Kindness Charms. If your child receives one, know an extraordinary act of kindness was noticed!
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Kimes
March Newsletter for you. Look for it also in your child’s Friday folder. Have a great weekend.
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Kimes
New Scottville Police Chief Murphy spending time this morning with our students and making his presence known. The kids love him!
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Kimes
Our UE showing gratitude to the most amazing food service staff. You feed our children with far more than food, also with hard work, love, kindness and humility. It’s truly a beautiful thing to feed the children, and our entire MCC family is blessed through your hands! ❤️
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Kimes
Simply The Best!
Brody Walle finished 6th overall last night out of 42 at the LDN Spelling Bee. He competed against 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th graders across the county. Way to go Brody! Spartan Proud!
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Kimes
Kids Heart Challenge Reminder: This is the final week for the children to collect money for the Kids Heart Challenge with the American Heart Association.
almost 5 years ago, Chris Etchison
Mrs. Johnson
Brody Walle and Cami Sly signing their “National Letters of Intent” to “Spelling Bee University!” We are proud of you at MCC and know you will represent us with your very best at the Ludington Daily News Spelling Bee Contest Feb. 18, Peterson Aud. 7:00 PM. Best of luck Brody and Cami!
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Kimes
So Cool!
Reminder of parent teacher conferences next week Feb. 11....3:30-6:30, and the 13th.....4:00-7:00. Contact your child’s teacher if you have not set a time yet. Hope to see you there....
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Kimes
Our school is helping to save lives with the American Heart Association. Click on the link below to help our school make a difference by helping raise money for Kids Heart Challenge! This gift will help provide research and education. Thanks for your support! You are truly a Heart Hero! www.heart.org/khc.
almost 5 years ago, Kevin Kimes
MCC Upper Elementary Staff getting it done during Professional Development day with courage, compassion, competence.....and GREAT JOY!
about 5 years ago, Kevin Kimes
Spartan Super Learners protecting our earth through recycling......Hero Style!!!
about 5 years ago, Kevin Kimes
A big shout out to the maintenance and tech departments at Mason County Central! Our entire school community is blessed by your talents, efforts, and commitment to being the very best. It was great to have you at Upper Elementary today for lunch, where our staff and students are practicing gratitude on a daily basis! Thanks again from the bottom of our hearts! ❤️
about 5 years ago, Kevin Kimes
The Best!
January Newsletter for you.
about 5 years ago, Kevin Kimes
December newsletter for you! A hard copy is coming home tomorrow! Enjoy the Holidays!
about 5 years ago, Kevin Kimes
Mason County Central School Family - This is to let you know that your children are all safe at all our school buildings including Victory Early Childhood Center. Our school district was in contact with law enforcement and took all necessary steps to assure your child's safety until the suspect was apprehended.
about 5 years ago, Angela Taylor
Here is our monthly newsletter from Upper Elementary. Enjoy!
over 5 years ago, Kevin Kimes