Our food service is starting a weekend food program for our students. It starts next Friday, January 28. The paper version of this will be coming home with your student today! Look for it in their Friday Folder!
about 4 years ago, Amanda Baker
Food Form
Final versions of research papers from Mrs. Pomorski’s 5th grade class! These are excellent pieces of writing and couldn’t be posted on a more fitting day.....Martin Luther King Jr. Day! History and writing combined at the Upper Elementary! I love my students and staff! Love Big! ❤️
about 4 years ago, Kevin Kimes
December 21, 2020 Dear School Community, As noted on our COVID-19 Dashboard, today, January 9, 2021 we learned about 2 School Associated Cases of COVID-19 in the Upper Elementary. Both are students. We are working closely with District Health Department #10 to identify Close Contacts of these School Associated Cases. Any students or staff that have been identified as a close contact will be notified by the health department and/or Mason County Central Schools as a part of the COVID-19 investigation process. Please answer the phone if the health department or MCC Schools calls you, as a contact tracer may be trying to reach you with important information. Thank you for understanding that, due to medical privacy laws, we are not able to release the name of the individual with COVID-19. We will continue to communicate changes and updates with you. With your help, we believe we can maintain a safe environment while also providing quality education. If you have any questions, contact District Health Department #10 at 231-845-7381. For answers to your COVID-19 questions, please call the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services COVID-19 Hotline at 888-535-6136 or visit Michigan.gov/coronavirus. Sincerely, Jeff Mount Superintendent
about 4 years ago, Jeff Mount
Dear Upper Elementary Family, Reflecting on where we started and where we finished today, I am filled with nothing but gratitude. Gratitude towards our students, parents and staff in giving the very best they have. Most importantly, the level of grace you continue to display towards one another, sets us above any impassioned group of stakeholders I’ve worked with. This patience, kindness, and understanding is what our world needs most, and I’m Spartan proud to witness these values from each of you on a daily basis. This inspires me, thank you. I wish you the best of seasons, although a bit different, and nothing but love, hope, peace and joy in 2021! Love Big, Mr. Kimes
about 4 years ago, Kevin Kimes
This just in!!!! Santa was spotted at MCC Upper Elementary!!! Happy Holidays!
about 4 years ago, Amanda Baker
Here is the Upper Elementary January Newsletter! Have a Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!
about 4 years ago, Amanda Baker
Dec. Newsletter
There has been a change in the December Newsletter. Please note the our 4th grade will be collecting for the Lakeshore Animal Friends for our Holiday Coin Drive.
about 4 years ago, Amanda Baker
December 2020
Mrs. Stakenas’ fireside Holiday display, complete with our childrens’ writing upon their hanging stockings! Spartan Proud! Love Big!
about 4 years ago, Kevin Kimes
Students in Mrs. Danielson’s class on a virtual field trip to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula with a DNR Ranger! They are learning about ecosystems today! Spartan Proud!
about 4 years ago, Kevin Kimes
Picture Retake Day is November 30th at the Upper Elementary. Students will need to bring in their original pictures back to get retakes. Virtual learners that need their pictures taken or would like retakes may come in from 12:30 to 1:30.
over 4 years ago, Amanda Baker
This is the Upper Elementary December Newsletter!!!
over 4 years ago, Amanda Baker
December 2020
Picture Retake Day is November 30th at the Upper Elementary. Students will need to bring in their original pictures back to get retakes. Virtual learners that need their pictures taken or would like retakes may come in from 12:30 to 1:30.
over 4 years ago, Amanda Baker
Picture day 2020
Good morning! Just a reminder that our students will not have school this Monday, November 16th. Our staff will be participating in a professional development day. Have a great weekend and good luck to all the hunters in the upcoming season!
over 4 years ago, Amanda Baker
We are honoring Veterans today at the Upper Elementary. Thanks for all you have done for us, we are proud Americans and Spartans! This showcase honors staff family members who served our great country! Thanks to Mrs. Dahringer for organizing this project, and all staff for contributing. Our students will make connections and real world applications from our words, actions, and displays at the Upper Elementary!
over 4 years ago, Kevin Kimes
The Mason County Central Schools Salute our Nation's Veterans!!!
over 4 years ago, MCC Schools
Veterans Day Salute
Here is the Upper Elementary November Newsletter. Some important dates to remember are Nov. 16th - Teacher In service, No school for students; Nov. 25th - 1/2 day for students and staff, ending of trimester 1, and report cards go home; Nov. 26th and 27th - Thanksgiving Break; no school; and Nov. 30th - start of trimester 2 and Picture Retake day.
over 4 years ago, Amanda Baker
Nov. Newsletter
Nov. Newsletter
Good morning! Just a reminder that we will be celebrating Halloween at the Upper Elementary with an in classroom movie and a school provided treat! Unfortunately, this year there are some restrictions: 1. No costumes at school. 2. No treats from home. 3. No visitors. Thank you! And Happy Halloween!
over 4 years ago, Amanda Baker
Dear MCC School Family, When you get a chance, please check out a letter from the Regional Superintendents posted in the News Feed on this App or the district Website[ www.mccschools.org ]. The letter is in regards to all of us staying extra vigilant in our efforts to slow the spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses as we enter the Flu season. We so want to keep our schools open and continue to provide extracurricular activities through this school year. Just so you know, our students and staff have been wonderful in their efforts here at school to learn and teach in a safe and healthy manner. Stay Healthy and Strong Spartans!!
over 4 years ago, Jeff Mount
kids w/ masks
October 21, 2020 Dear School Community, As noted on our COVID-19 Dashboard located on the MCC Website. this morning, October 21, 2020 we learned about at least one School Associated Case of COVID-19 in a student or staff person at Mason County Central Upper Elementary. Cleaning and disinfecting of the exposed location has been completed. Mason County Central Upper Elementary will remain Open at this time. We are working closely with District Health Department #10 to identify Close Contacts of School Associated Cases of COVID-19. Anyone identified as a Close Contact will be notified by the health department as a part of the COVID-19 investigation process. Please answer the phone if the health department contacts you, as a contact tracer may be trying to reach you with important information. We recommend taking action to help limit the spread of COVID-19, even if staff members or students are not experiencing symptoms: • Wear a mask (covering mouth and nose) while in public places or if people who do not live with you must visit your home. • Practice social distancing (maintaining a distance of 6 feet apart). • Practice frequent handwashing (using soap for 20 seconds or hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol). • Follow capacity restrictionsof social gatherings. • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or with the inside of your elbow and immediately wash your hands. • Stay home if you are sick; you can also get tested. Thank you for understanding that, due to medical privacy laws, we are not able to release the names of the individuals with COVID-19. We will continue to communicate changes and updates with you. With your participation, we believe we can maintain a safe environment while also providing quality education. If you have any questions, contact District Health Department #10 at 231-845-7381. For answers to your COVID-19 questions, please call the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services COVID-19 Hotline at 888-535-6136 or visit Michigan.gov/coronavirus. Sincerely, Jeff Mount
over 4 years ago, Jeff Mount
Students in Mr. Dumas’s 5th grade class working collaboratively on a science project, learning how temperature impacts the speed of molecules! A truly remarkable day in Spartan Country!
over 4 years ago, Kevin Kimes