Dear MCC School Family, Due to deteriorating road conditions and the impending Winter Storm forecast that has been upgraded to a Warning for tomorrow, the Mason County Central School District including Victory Early Childhood Center will be closed Thursday, December 5th. As for evening events for Thursday, they will likely be rescheduled. Please standby for updates from the buildings regarding any revised schedules or times. Stay Safe, Warm, and Strong Spartans!
about 2 months ago, Jeff Mount
school closed
We are excited to inform you that once again that as part of our Physical Education program, the students will have the opportunity to go ice skating. This activity will allow them to practice balance, coordination, and teamwork while having fun in a unique environment. Here are the details for the trip: Time: ~9am -11am Schedule is attached! Location: West Shore Community College, Ice Rink What to Wear: Students should wear warm clothing; including layers, gloves, and socks. Please have them wear comfortable clothing that allows movement. They should also bring a helmet if they have one. Cost:$0-Thanks to the PTC Chaperones: We will welcome any chaperones to meet us at the ice rink, as long as they have the background check. Please see Mrs. Baker in the office. We are looking forward to an enjoyable and educational experience on the ice! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at
about 2 months ago, Amanda Baker
In lieu of a grade level Christmas gift exchanges, the Upper Elementary grade level teams decided to donation drives! Listed below are the organizations/groups each grade level decided on sponsoring and the flyers that were sent home! Happy Holidays and have a great day in Spartan Country!
about 2 months ago, Amanda Baker
It’s time! Time to pull out the wrestling mats once again. Any child interested in Scottville Youth wrestling is invited to join the Spartan Wrestling Club. The Upper Elementary group will sign up on Thursday, December 5th. Lower elementary students will start practice after Christmas break. Bring clean non-street shoes (not worn outside tennis shoes) and clean workout clothes. Wrestling shoes are encouraged and can be rented from the club (supplies are very low and rented on a first come first serve basis). Please bring any old singlets, shoes or headgear to the first practice / signup and you will be able to trade them for new gear. Uniforms are provided for those who choose to compete in tournaments. Come ready to learn about wrestling and have some fun. If you believe your child will be interested in this opportunity, please fill out the registration form below and bring it to the meeting or the first practice. We communicate during the season using the Spond app. If you add it to your phone or already have it, you can join our group using the code OZLVF. Cost: $35.00/Child Shoe / Headgear Rental $5 if available Coordinators: Kendel Trim -
about 2 months ago, Amanda Baker
Holiday Shoppe is next week! We will have gifts arranged on tables sorted by price. Items will be available at the following price points: $1, $3, $5, $8, $10, and $15. The majority of items are at the lower prices. Our shopping volunteers will help students choose gifts for the people on their lists according to their budget. Our wrapping volunteers will make sure each student’s gifts are wrapped and ready to come home. Please continue to reach out to the Mason County Central Elementary PTC on Facebook or email at if you have any questions.
2 months ago, Amanda Baker
Holiday Shoppe
Mason County Central Schools would like to remind families that there will only be a half day of school on Wednesday, November 27th as we lead into the Thanksgiving Holiday. Our Lower Elementary will dismiss at 11:20 while all other buildings will dismiss at 11:30. We wish a very Happy Thanksgiving to our Students and their Families and it is our hope that you are able to enjoy the long weekend with loved ones. We will see you all back at school on Monday December 2nd.
2 months ago, Amy Mikulskis
MCC Schools Thanksgiving break
Here is the December issue of the Upper Elementary Newsletter! We would like to send out our congratulations to our Students' of the Month: 3rd grade - Garrett Overdorf, 4th grade - Ethan Malburg, and 5th grade - Kortnee Parmer! Our PTC Holiday Shoppe will be Dec 2 and 3! Mr. Anes has set up ice skating at WSCC the week of Dec 16 - 20, there will be permission slips going home soon! Please make sure you glance at Mr. Kimes' Corner and also the Dates to Remember! As always, let's make it a great day in Spartan Country!
2 months ago, Amanda Baker
Students, staff, and parents of Mason County area Schools, Below is a link to a letter from our county's School Resource Officers regarding threats made toward schools. Please take the time to read this as we are experiencing an uptick in threats across the country. Respectfully, Your county wide SRO team, Mason County Sheriff’s Office SRO’s Sergeant Adam Lamb Deputy Jake Lesinski Deputy Luke Postma Deputy David Barnett Scottville Police Department SRO Officer Katrina Skinner Ludington Police Department SRO Officer Conor Gallihugh
2 months ago, MCC Schools
Students, staff, and parents of Mason County area Schools, Below is a link to a letter from our county's School Resource Officers regarding threats made toward schools. Please take the time to read this as we are experiencing an uptick in threats across the country. Respectfully, Your county wide SRO team, Mason County Sheriff’s Office SRO’s Sergeant Adam Lamb Deputy Jake Lesinski Deputy Luke Postma Deputy David Barnett Scottville Police Department SRO Officer Katrina Skinner Ludington Police Department SRO Officer Conor Gallihugh
2 months ago, MCC Schools
Dear School Community, Below is the link to our Monday, November 25, 2024 Board Meeting Information Packet. Have a great weekend!!
2 months ago, Jeff Mount
Join in the Merryment! Each Friday in December and the two days before our Holiday break, we would like to invite all students to participate in our Holiday Dress-Up Days to help spread Christmas cheer! Each days' theme is listed on the attached flyer!
2 months ago, Amanda Baker
This is your opportunity to participate in the 3rd through 6th Boys Basketball program for the Winter 2025 season. Registration will be open until Friday, December 6th; here is the link: Practices will begin in early January. Games will be on Saturdays beginning in January and run through February/early March. 3rd & 4th Grade will play at MCC and Ludington. 5th & 6th Grade league will play at MCC and Ludington, and may travel to other area schools (Hart, Shelby, Manistee, etc) depending on school participation. Participation fees are: $50 for 5th/6th grade and $30 for 3rd/4th grade. Fees are due to the Coach the first day of practice. Checks should be payable to MCC Boys Basketball.
2 months ago, Amanda Baker
Boys Bball
Join us on December 14th from 9:00am - 3:00pm at Mason County Central High School for the 1st MCC Band Boosters Christmas Expo! Shop dozens of local vendors and artists to find that one-of-a-kind special holiday gift for those on your list. Special appearance by "Sparty" MCC Mascot! Want to be a vendor? Email
2 months ago, Amy Mikulskis
MCC Schools Band Boosters craft fair
An important message from our PTC...Holiday Shoppe is approaching. WE NEED VOLUNTEERS for our Upper Elementary AND our Lower Elementary. We are looking for help with shopping and wrapping. The Upper Elementary Holliday Shoppe will be held on December 2nd and 3rd. The Lower Elementary Holiday Shoppe will be held on December 5th and 6th. If you can spare some time to make this a wonderful event for our students, please sign up using the link below.
2 months ago, Amy Mikulskis
MCC Schools PTC Holiday Shoppe
MCC Upper Elementary staff digging into data and discussion centered around Caring School Communities, our social emotional learning curriculum! A great start to our Professional Learning Day! Building community and healthy culture! It's a great day in Spartan Country!
3 months ago, Amanda Baker
PD Day
On Thursday, November 21; MCC Upper Elementary will host our annual Thanksgiving Lunch for our students and a special person! Due to limited space, we ask that one guest per student be invited. There will be a charge of $5.25 per adult meal. The attached letter and envelopes have been sent home with our students; and need to be returned by Monday, November 18th. If you have any questions, please call the office at 231-757-5720 or Food Service at 231-757-5721.
3 months ago, Amanda Baker
Thanksgiving Dinner
Mason county central schools would like to remind families that there will be no school on Friday November 15th as our staff will be participating in a professional development day. We hope you have a wonderful long weekend and we will see you back at school on Monday November 18th
3 months ago, Amy Mikulskis
MCC Schools Professional Development day
Good morning! On Thursday, November 21; MCC Upper Elementary will host our annual Thanksgiving Lunch for our students and a special person! Due to limited space, we ask that one guest per student be invited. There will be a charge of $5.25 per adult meal. The attached letter and envelopes have been sent home with our students. If you have any questions, please call the office at 231-757-5720 or Food Service at 231-757-5721.
3 months ago, Amanda Baker
Thanksgiving Dinner
Mason County Central Honors our Nation's Veterans! Thank you and God Bless.
3 months ago, MCC Schools
veterans day
Mason County Central 4-H Tech Wiazrds will be starting in December. You can use the QR code or webiste to sign up your student. The first meeting will be held on Wednesday, Dec 4 and later dates will be announced! Please direct any questions to the local 4-H office, Lori at 231-845-3365 or email at OR Jade at 231-845-3366 or email at
3 months ago, Amanda Baker
Tech Wizards