Just a Reminder to Parents Middle school picture day is tomorrow Wednesday September 18th. Picture forms were sent home at the end of last week, if you are in need of a new one please call the office at 231-757-3724.
5 months ago, Amy Mikulskis
MCC Middle School Picture Day
Mrs Verniers 7th grade ELA class activity. A book tasting event where students did a short review on different books they chose. Bon Appetite!!
5 months ago, Amy Mikulskis
MCC Schools Middle school 7th grade book tasting
MCC Schools Middle school 7th grade book tasting
MCC Schools Middle school 7th grade book tasting
MCC Schools Middle school 7th grade book tasting
MCC Schools Middle school 7th grade book tasting
MCC Schools Middle school 7th grade book tasting
On Wednesday morning, the 7th grade will take a field trip to apply their STEM skills at WSCC. The 7th-grade pictures will happen before the visit and after. We look forward to hearing fun stories from the series of high-engagement activities.
5 months ago, MCC Middle School
MCC Middle School, Picture day is next week on Wednesday September 18th
5 months ago, Amy Mikulskis
MCC schools middle school picture day
Dear School Community, Below is the link to our Monday, September 16, 2024 Board Meeting Information Packet. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1yfbdsgpfxfPg0i6Dk476Zp1LhY7LMF7G?usp=sharing Have a great weekend!!
5 months ago, MCC Schools
Dear School Community, Soft Lockdown has been lifted. It is business as usual at MCC. The suspect in question regarding a threat made toward G2S has been located and placed in custody by Law Enforcement. At this time the Soft Lockdown has been lifted for all MCC Schools.. Have a great day and Stay Strong Spartans!!
5 months ago, Jeff Mount
Dear MCC School Community, All MCC Schools are going into a Soft Lockdown due to a threat made toward G2S by one of their students this morning. To be clear... no threat has been made toward any MCC School or Student. But because the individual has not been located, area schools are raising awareness and securing our students inside our buildings. It is business as usual inside but there will not be any recess or outdoor activities until we hear further from Law Enforcement. We will keep you updated as we learn more. Stay Strong Spartans!!
5 months ago, Jeff Mount
Dear MCC School Community, Link for Mason County Central School Board of Education Meeting Information Packet for Monday, August 26, 2024 bit.ly/4fYE2sg
6 months ago, MCC Schools
Spartan Logo
Back to School Night for Sixth Grade and newly enrolled students is scheduled for Wednesday, August 28th from 5 PM to 6 PM. Sixth Grade students can tour the building and meet teachers. There will be a short informational meeting for parents in the gym. Please arrive a 1/2 hour early so students can get schedules and computers. Seventh and Eighth-grade students' schedules will be emailed to parents. Students will also be able to access Power School to view schedules prior to the first day of school.
6 months ago, MCC Middle School
Back to School Night for Sixth Grade and newly enrolled students is scheduled for Wednesday, August 28th from 5 PM to 6 PM. Sixth Grade students can tour the building and meet teachers. There will be a short informational meeting for parents in the gym. Please arrive a 1/2 hour early so students can get schedules and computers. Seventh and Eighth-grade students' schedules will be emailed to parents. Students will also be able to access Power School to view schedules prior to the first day of school. --
6 months ago, MCC Middle School
The Middle School Opening Newsletter is now posted.
6 months ago, MCC Middle School
Opening News Letter
Mason County Central School Board of Education Meeting Information Packet for Monday, August 12, 2024: https://bit.ly/4chJmnx
7 months ago, MCC Schools
Spartan Logo
As we are all gearing up for another fantastic school year we would like to let families know about a couple of awesome events coming up. There will be 2 backpack giveaway events this year. One at the Ludington area Jaycee's mini golf on Wednesday August 14th and the other held at West Shore Bank in Scottville on Saturday August 31st. Thank you to these wonderful organizations for giving back to the community. Please see the attached flyers for more information.
7 months ago, Amy Mikulskis
MCC schools backpack giveaway
MCC schools backpack giveaway
We are still accepting registrations for the 35th Annual MCC Ed Foundation Golf Outing. Visit mccedfoundation.org to register online or print a copy to fax to 231-757-5716, or email support@mccedfoundation.org The outing will be held on September 7 at Lakeside Links. Check in begins at 12 noon, and play begins at 1:00 p.m. Food, beverages, door prizes, specialty hole prizes and flight winner prizes included in the day, Email support@mccedfoundation.org with questions
7 months ago, MCC Ed Foundation
Golf Outing
Dear MCC School Family, A Mason County Group is seeking your input with a feasibility study regarding a Multi-Generational Community Center. The study wants your input regarding the best location and access for all; activities that the center would support; how it could be funded and more. Your voice counts so if you can find about 10 minutes of your day to click on the link below and complete the online survey it would be greatly appreciated. So far the majority of completed surveys are coming in from the western portion of the county. We need to hear from the rest of the county as well and a good representation of all age groups. Click on this link to access the survey and thank you in advance for your input. https://mason-foundation.org/communitysurvey/
8 months ago, MCC Schools
Comm Ctr
Dear MCC School Community, An Advisory Committee is being formed for the limited purpose of reviewing and/or drafting the following guidance documents for consideration by the Administration and Board. 1) Interscholastic Athletics Policy 2) Parent/Player/Coach Contract 3) Guidelines for Parents who are Coaches We are looking for JV/Varsity Athletes, Parents and Coaches from Boys and Girls Programs to serve on this committee. If you are interested, please click on the link below by the end of the day on July 7th to learn more and to access the sign up form. https://forms.gle/ZZvXiTZfUBW4acbd8 Stay Strong Spartans!!
8 months ago, MCC Schools
sports balls
Let's Meet up and Eat!!!! This is a non-income-based program and is Dine in only. Come hang out and get a free lunch. Please see the attached flyer for more information and times and dates.
9 months ago, Amy Mikulskis
Mason County Central Food Service Summer Meals
Mason county central schools would like to remind families that tomorrow, Friday June 7th is our last day of school. We will only have a half day of school with Scottville Elementary dismissing at 11:20 and the Upper elementary, Middle School and High school dismissing at 11:30. Thank you for a wonderful school year! We hope you have a great summer vacation and we will see you all back in the Fall.
9 months ago, Amy Mikulskis
Parents and Students who might be interested in an Aviation and STEM camp this summer opportunity see below: Summer Aviation & STEM Camp for grades 6-12. In this advanced camp, the focus turns to flight, with an introduction to aircraft for beginner flyers. Students receive ground instruction for half of the day and take flight with an FAA Certified Pilot the other half of the day. Monday through Thursday is reserved for pilot camp and Friday is designed for flying drones. Ludington Camp is June 17-21, 2024, 9 am-1:30 pm, and Big Rapids Camp is August 5-9, 2024, 2 pm-6 pm. Register here http://book.myfor.ms/form-6625720/pasacamp.
9 months ago, MCC Middle School
Students in 6th grade math used their knowledge of ratios and scale factor to enlarge images on a coordinate plane. The finished products turned out great!
9 months ago, Chandra Tacktor