We would like to remind Parents that tomorrow, November 24th, will be a half day for all students and staff. Scottville Elementary will dismiss at 11:20 and the rest of the buildings will dismiss at 11:30. School will resume on Monday, November 29th. We hope you have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving break!!
over 3 years ago, Amy Mikulskis
MCC MS STAND students, and Student Counsel joined with the Gold Coast Gobblers to make a world of difference.. Middle schoolers brought in over 2500 items for the food drive... most ever in 20 year event.... so proud of the kids!!! Thank you parents and students for helping out our local community!!
over 3 years ago, MCC Middle School
STAND food drive
Spartan Parents, be on the lookout for Boys Rec Basketball flyers that will be coming home with your 3rd through 6th graders in the next day or so. Please feel free to use the link below to sign your Boys up now through November 15th. Click the link to register: https://forms.gle/8dRPoQ6tkfbvRZhV8
over 3 years ago, Amy Mikulskis
Spartan Parents, be on the lookout for Boys Rec Basketball flyers that will be coming home with your 3rd through 6th graders in the next day or so. Please feel free to use the link below to sign your Boys up now through November 15th. See the attached flyer for more details. Click the link to register: https://forms.gle/8dRPoQ6tkfbvRZhV8
over 3 years ago, Amy Mikulskis
Look what Mrs. Rodriguez's 6th grade students at MCC MS did for Veteran's Day!
over 3 years ago, Heather Vernier
Veteran's Day Artwork
Congratulations to Michael Chye on winning a bike from the Win with Wellness Fit Club sponsored by Spectrum Health.
over 3 years ago, MCC Middle School
Win With Wellness
Boys Rec Basketball Registration for 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th Grades is open now through November 15th. See the attached flyer for more details. Click the link to register: https://forms.gle/8dRPoQ6tkfbvRZhV8
over 3 years ago, Amy Mikulskis
WE REALLY WANT YOUR INPUT!! Please take a moment to complete the online survey regarding the MCC Bond Proposal: https://bit.ly/3vSVSXe The Survey will be Open through Friday, November 5th so do not miss out on your chance to help us with Facility Plans for the future of Mason County Central School District and the Community of Scottville.
over 3 years ago, Jeff Mount
Halloween Spirit Week began today. See below to join in the rest of the fun.
over 3 years ago, MCC Middle School
Spirit Week Oct.
One of our Future Friday winners with his swag prizes. Monday is Blue and Gold day.
over 3 years ago, MCC Middle School
Future Friday winner
over 3 years ago, Jeff Mount
SAVE THE DATE AND TIME! Mason County Central Schools is hosting a Community Forum regarding a potential school bond project and we are seeking the community's input. The Forum is scheduled for next Wednesday, October 27th at 6:00pm in the High School Cafeteria. Hope to see you there!!
over 3 years ago, Jeff Mount
SAVE THE DATE AND TIME! Mason County Central Schools is hosting a Community Forum regarding a potential school bond project and we are seeking the community's input. The Forum is scheduled for next Wednesday, October 27th at 6:00pm in the High School Cafeteria. Hope to see you there!!
over 3 years ago, Jeff Mount
The Middle School Pie Fundraiser is here. See the flier below for details!
over 3 years ago, MCC Middle School
Middle School Pie Fundraiser
Dear MCC School Family, FOR IMMEDIATE EFFECT: At tonight's (10/18/2021) Board of Education meeting it was decided to modify the 2021-22 Return to Learn Plan to no longer require masks for teachers, staff, students and visitors in grades Pre-K through 6th. Masks are highly recommended for all; and encouraged for vaccinated staff and students. Please know this does not apply to school buses as there is still a federal mandate for all public transportation including our MCC buses.
over 3 years ago, Jeff Mount
Dear MCC School Family, At tonight's (10/18/2021) Board of Education meeting it was decided to modify the 2021-22 Return to Learn Plan to no longer require masks for teachers, staff, students and visitors in grades Pre-K through 6th. Masks are highly recommended for all; and encouraged for vaccinated staff and students. Please know this does not apply to school buses as there is still a federal mandate for all public transportation including our MCC buses.
over 3 years ago, Jeff Mount
Mason County Central Middle School Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held Wednesday, October 20th for students with last names starting with A-L, and Thursday, October 21st for students with last names starting with M-Z. Conferences are from 4:00pm – 7:00 pm. Please enter through the main doors by the Middle School Office. If there is a conflict, please feel free to attend either conference. Progress reports will be handed out at this time. We are asking that only one parent attend per student and highly suggest wearing a mask. If you are not able to attend, your student’s progress report will be sent home with them on Friday, October 22nd. We look forward to seeing you. Also a reminder that picture retakes are on Thursday, October 21st.
over 3 years ago, Heather Vernier
We had our first Spartan Blue and Gold Monday! Students and Staff names were drawn. If they have Spartan Blue and Gold on they win a prize. Students and staff have another chance each Friday with Future Fridays. Dress in your favorite College/Trade School or as a Professional of your choice and their name could be drawn. This will continue every Monday and Friday the rest of the year. We will draw one Staff and one student name per grade level.
over 3 years ago, MCC Middle School
Spartan Monday
Spartan Monday
Spartan Monday
Mason County Central Middle School Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held Wednesday, October 20th for students with last names starting with A-L, and Thursday, October 21st for students with last names starting with M-Z. Conferences are from 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm. Please enter through the main doors by the Middle School Office. If there is a conflict, please feel free to attend either conference. Progress reports will be handed out at this time. We are asking that only one parent attend per student and highly suggest to wear a mask. If you are not able to attend, your student’s progress report will be sent home with them on Friday,October 22nd. We look forward to seeing you. If you need a virtual conference please contact that teacher via email or phone to schedule. Also a reminder that picture retakes are on Thursday, October 21st. Thank you.
over 3 years ago, MCC Middle School
Parent Teacher Conferences