COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan
Executive Order 2020-142
Name of District: Mason County Central Schools
Web Address of the District:
Name of Intermediate School District: West Shore Educational Services District
Preparedness Plan Introduction
Governor Whitmer’s Executive Order 2020-142 “provides a structure to support all schools in Michigan as they plan for a return of pre-K-12 education in the fall. Under the order, school districts must adopt a COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan laying out how they will cope with the disease across the various phases of the Michigan Safe Start Plan. In turn, the accompanying Michigan Return to School Roadmap offers a guide to the types of safety protocols appropriate during each phase. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution: What works in Lansing may not work in Sault Sainte Marie. Districts will retain the flexibility to tailor their instruction to their particular needs and to the disease conditions present in their regions.” (EO-2020-142)
Each district (public, public school academy (PSA), nonpublic, and intermediate school district (ISD) that educates pre-K-12 students) shall submit a single completed Assurance Document and Preparedness Plan to its Board in time for approval by August 15 or seven days before the first day of school, whichever comes first. This template, when completed, serves as a single Assurance Document and Preparedness Plan.
The Preparedness Plan will be collected by the Intermediate School District for public school districts, the authorizing body for public school academies, or the chief/designated school administrator for nonpublic schools for transmission to the State Superintendent of Public Instruction and State Treasurer by August 17, 2020. Additionally, this Preparedness Plan must be posted on the district’s/PSA’s, or nonpublic school’s public website home page no later than August 17, 2020. A single application should be filed by the district rather than multiple applications for individual schools within a district.
Preparedness Plan Assurances
The District agrees to meet all of the following requirements of Executive Order 2020-142
- The District assures that when it provides in-person instruction to its students without disabilities, the district must also provide in-person instruction to its students with disabilities, consistent with their individualized education programs (IEPs).
- The District assures that when schools are closed to in-person instruction, districts must strive in good faith and to the extent practicable, based upon available resources, technology, training, and curriculum, as well as the circumstances presented by COVID-19, to provide equal access to any alternative modes of instruction to students with disabilities from birth through age 26. This assurance includes the provision of auxiliary services under section 1296 of the Revised School Code, MCL 380.1296.
- The District assures that while any state of emergency or disaster related to the COVID-19 pandemic continues, it shall comply with guidance from the United States Department of Education, including its Office of Civil Rights and Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, and the Michigan Department of Education concerning the delivery of alternative modes of instruction to students with disabilities in light of the impact of COVID-19.
- The District assures that it shall, to the extent practicable and necessary, make individualized determinations whether and to what extent compensatory services may be needed for students with disabilities in light of the school closures during the 2019–2020 school year.
- The District assures that during Phase 1, 2, or 3 of the Michigan Safe Start Plan it will close its buildings to anyone except: (a) District employees or contractors necessary to conduct minimum basic school operations consistent with a Preparedness Plan, including those employers or contractors necessary to facilitate alternative modes of instruction, such as distributing materials and equipment or performing other necessary in-person functions. (b) Food-service workers preparing food for distribution to students or their families. (c) Licensed child-care providers and the families that they serve, if providers follow all emergency protocols identified by the state.
- The District assures that during Phase 1, 2, or 3 of the Michigan Safe Start Plan it will suspend athletics, after-school activities, inter-school activities, and busing.
- The District assures that during Phase 1, 2, or 3 of the Michigan Safe Start Plan it will provide for the continued pay of school employees while redeploying staff to provide meaningful work in the context of the Preparedness Plan, subject to any applicable requirements of a collective bargaining agreement.
- The District assures that in Phases 1, 2, or 3 of the Michigan Safe Start Plan it will provide for the continuation of food distribution to eligible students.
- The District assures that during Phase 4 of the Michigan Safe Start Plan it will prohibit indoor assemblies that bring together students from more than one classroom.
- The District assures cooperation with the local public health department if a confirmed case of COVID-19 is identified, and agrees to collect the contact information for any close contacts of the affected individual from two days before he or she showed symptoms to the time when he or she was last present in school.
Preparedness Plan
Every district must develop and adopt a COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan (“Preparedness Plan”) that is informed by Michigan’s 2020-21 Return to School Roadmap (“Return to School Roadmap”) from the COVID-19 Task Force on Education and Return to School Advisory Council.
In accordance with Executive Order 2020-142 a plan must include all the following parts:
- The policies and procedures that the District will follow when the region in which the district is located is in Phase 1, 2, or 3 of the Michigan Safe Start Plan.
- Describe how the district will offer alternative modes of instruction other than in-person instruction and a summary of materials each student and the student’s parents or guardians will need to meaningfully access the alternative modes of instruction included in the Preparedness Plan. If the Preparedness Plan relies on electronic instruction, the Preparedness Plan must consider how the district will aid students who lack access to computers or to the internet. This is also in the Continuity of Learning and COVID-19 Response Plan submitted in April. You may want to update and link to this plan in your response below.
Plan for Phases 1, 2, or 3The Mason County Central School District plans to use a hybrid model of instruction using platforms that are grade-level appropriate and/or familiar to our students and parents. The hybrid model is necessary due to the diverse levels of access to the internet and devices in our families’ homes. We recognize that learning experiences will vary across our schools, as well as among students. Students vary greatly by age, needs, access to and capacity for remote learning, and the ability of parents to support this learning as they themselves are facing a host of challenges. So, with that in mind, all students will be provided with a meaningful educational path. For those students without technology: The main mode of delivery will be through devices with downloadable content grades K-12 that aligns with instruction being used through Google classroom.. This will be supplemented with phone conferencing to support instruction and provide feedback. Parents will have the option to pick up the devices and/or arrangements will be made for delivery at locations strategically located throughout our district boundaries. Under certain circumstances where a paper packet is needed it will be made available.If families cannot get to a distribution hub the packet will be mailed, but this is a last resort due to lag time. Students with connectivity issues will have access to locations throughout district boundaries to community accessible hot spots. See specific options updated below. For students with technology: Content will be delivered through the online platform(s) that will have links for each building/grade level content area.The teachers will use multiple platforms and methods to deliver content online. The links will be linked to the MCC App and Website (Both can be accessed in multiple languages). See specific options updated below. Option #1 - N/A during these phases (Face to Face)Option #2A Spartan Connected (Remote Learning K-5)
Option #2B Spartan Connected (Virtual Learning 6-12)● Self-paced program ● Online 5 ● Follows curriculum and pacing ● District provided Chromebook ● Requires minimum trimester commitment with option for seamless reentry to face to face at trimester breaks ● Provides interventions and specialized supports ● E 20/20 supported with Mason County Central dedicated teachers ● If shutdown occurs this will transition to a hybrid model of E20/20 and Google Classroom
For English Learners / Migrant Students: Phone outreach to our current migrant families, migrant families possibly traveling, and local farmers during high migration times. In addition, we will reach out to our Migrant/EL identified students K-12 about devices and internet connection. Devices will be made available to those needing. Migrant specific home visits (pending COVID risk level) as needed to support basic needs, social / emotional and academics through our migrant staff. Options for learning (face to face K-12, remote K-5 and virtual 6-12) will also be made available. Translation services are available. For Students with Disabilities: MDE Office of Special Education has issued “Guidance on Compliance with IDEA and Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.” The Mason County Central School District will follow this guidance and partner with the West Shore ESD to meet the established requirements to provide special education programs and services to students with an IEP. For Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP): Legislature guidance still coming for fiscal year 2020/2021 The Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) Instructional Plan will follow the instructional plan below depending upon the phase in which the District’s program is assigned. In-person instruction will be held according to the GSRP calendar developed in partnership with West Shore ESD for the 2020-21 school year. This includes in-person instruction up to four (4) days per week, following the hours in which the program has followed in previous years. Program Implementation will align with the GSRP Implementation Manual from the Michigan Department of Education, utilizing the Connect4Learning (C4L) curriculum and Teaching Strategies Gold (TS Gold) assessment tool. Mason County Central GSRP director Angela Taylor (231) 757-3713 ext 131 or (231) 843-2410 may be contacted to answer questions or facilitate support to any preschool family. GSRP Instructional Plan during Phase 3: The Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) plans to use a hybrid model of instruction using printed instructional packets and online learning platforms. For families with access to the internet, WSESD developed a Preschool Landing Page containing information for families and students. This website will contain links to resources and information specific to preschool. Weekly content will be uploaded for families and replicated in the printed instructional packets. Students without internet access will have access to instructional materials through an instructional packet. All students will receive supplies and materials such as paper, pencils, crayons, scissors, printed books, etc. as part of their instructional packet. These materials will be distributed to all GSRP students through delivery models specific to each local district and will be coordinated by GSRP staff. The packets will be compiled and contain all resources needed for the weekly instruction. GSRP teaching staff will make contact with their students at least two times during the week. Forms of communication may include: Google Hangout/Zoom, Remind app, phone calls, and/or mailed letters. Two way communication will be recorded and maintained by the teaching team and used to inform planning. Teaching staff will be encouraged to schedule Google Hangout/Zoom meetings with their students to provide “live” instruction and peer-to-peer engagement. Staff will be available during their normally scheduled hours and provide asynchronous and synchronous learning for students. Asynchronous learning includes instructional packets, pre-recorded instructional videos, activities to do in the home setting, reading/listening to a book, and website resources. Synchronous learning includes Google Hangout/Zoom Meetings, live time activities, books being read to students and office hours designated for students and families to access teachers and staff. Instruction will follow the Connect4Learning (C4L) curriculum used in our program with a Welcome and Read Aloud, Connect, Small Group, and Fast Focus activity. Teachers will also provide activities for hands-on learning that can take place in the home and outside. Instructional packets will include printed materials that support the areas of Social Emotional, Mathematical, Literacy and Language, Science and Physical Development. The instructional packets will be supplemented through Google Hangout, Zoom, and/or phone conferencing with GSRP staff members to support the student and families. Note: worksheets will not be provided as they are not allowable per the GSRP Implementation Manual. Staff members will assess student’s growth of C4L learning objectives by using Teaching Strategies Gold. During sessions with families, teachers will review weekly learning packets and discuss children’s experiences with materials, etc to determine how students are proceeding through the curriculum. The plan will be communicated through a letter mailed to each GSRP family or included in the child’s enrollment packet provided upon acceptance into the program. The letter to families will include the Preschool landing page link for additional resources as well as the site information. The letter will also include information on expectations of the student, family and teaching team. Information will also be shared to families through the local district announcement system. Additional resources beyond the WSESD-prepared instructional packets to families may be provided if they so choose. For students with an IEP or 504, learning activities and resources will be provided and modified according to the child’s IEP and/or 504 guidelines when necessary. Modified activities will be provided by the Teaching Consultants and IEP team and provided to families when necessary. During weekly connections with students and families, teaching teams will monitor and assess the needs of their students and families. If a need is presented, the teacher will elevate that need to the Center Director/Principal and their Early Childhood Specialist for support. Families will be referred to the Preschool Landing page for additional resources. Evaluation of the plan: Teachers will seek family feedback regarding the Learning from Home process informally through weekly connections. Formal feedback will be sought from families twice a year: mid-year and at the conclusion of the school year. This communication will be documented via a Google Form. For families wishing to complete the feedback form on their own, a link to a Google Form will be shared. Feedback from families will be reviewed and discussed with staff during professional learning opportunities throughout the school year. Adjustments to programming and instructional delivery will be made based on resulting recommendations from families, staff, and MDE. GSRP Instructional Plan during Phase 4: The Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) plans to offer programming four days a week, Monday through Thursday. Programming will consist of in-person learning, expecting that all students return to school on the specified date within enrollment documents. Families will receive a copy of the Family Handbook along with a GSRP specific COVID-19 Preparedness and Response plan submitted to the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA). Programs will utilize the Connect4Learning (C4L) curriculum and Teaching Strategies Gold (TS Gold) assessment tool. Every Friday afternoon weekly learning activities will be uploaded onto the Preschool Landing Page by WSESD, which will include a cover sheet explaining the next week’s activities and any supporting materials. GSRP staff will also prepare an instructional packet weekly to support learning activities in the event programs are moved to Phase 3. GSRP Remote Instruction during Phase 4: Families officially enrolled in GSRP will have the ability to choose a remote learning option for their student. This option will follow similar remote learning programming as outlined in Phases 1- 3 above. |
Plan for Phase 4
- The policies and procedures that the District will follow when the region in which the District is located is in Phase 4 of the Michigan Safe Start Plan. Those policies and procedures must, at a minimum, include:
- Face coverings (p. 22)
- Please describe how the district will implement requirements for facial coverings that at a minimum require the wearing of face coverings, except during meals and unless face coverings cannot be medically tolerated, for:
- All staff and all students in grades preK-12 when on a school bus.
- All staff and all students in grades preK-12 when in indoor hallways and common areas.
- All staff when in classrooms.
- All students in grades 6 and up when in classrooms.
- All students in grades kindergarten through grade 5 unless students remain with their classes throughout the school day and do not come into close contact with students in another class.
In welcoming our staff back to the 2020 / 2021 school year Mason County Central Schools will be providing each staff member with a packet with COVID 19 specific resources. Mason County Central Schools will provide a facial covering to their staff members. Each building will also have an additional supply of disposable facial coverings to be provided if needed. Staff members will also receive notification that homemade facial coverings will need to be washed daily and disposable facial coverings are to be disposed of at the end of the school day.
i) Staff and Students at Mason County Central Schools in grades Prek-12 will all wear facial coverings when on the school bus. Staff and Students will only be exempt in the event of a medical condition impeding their ability to wear a facial covering. A Health Department created form will be used for these exemptions that must be signed by their physician. In the event that the staff member is a bus driver special consideration is taken if it impedes their driving ability. The expectation is that parents will provide facial coverings for their children, but in the event of not having a facial covering or economically disadvantaged disposable facial coverings will be provided by the driver.
ii) Staff and Students at Mason County Central Schools in grades Prek-12 will all wear facial coverings when in indoor hallways and common areas.
iii) All Staff at Mason County Central Schools will all wear facial coverings in the classroom.
iv) All Students at Mason County Central Schools will all wear facial coverings in the classroom grades 6-12.
v) All students in grades PreKindergarten through 5 will not be required to wear facial coverings in their classroom if they do not come into close contact with students in another classroom, and have remained with their class throughout the school day. |
- Hygiene
Please describe how you will implement the requirements for hygiene protocols
from the Return to School Roadmap (p. 22-23).
Mason County Central Schools will provide adequate supplies to support healthy hygiene behaviors. This includes soap, 60% alcohol sanitizer, paper towels, tissues and signs throughout our buildings that support proper hand washing and hygiene techniques. Mason County Central Schools will also support by teaching proper handwashing techniques of at least 20 seconds and / or use of hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol. Our cleaning and disinfectant policies will include making sure all supplies are adequately filled throughout the school day. In addition, Mason County Central Schools has located throughout their buildings individual hand sanitizing stations. Mason County Central Schools will also support and reinforce the minimum of having students and teachers washing their hands every two to three hours or as needed. Mason County Central Schools will encourage students to limit sharing of personal items and materials. Signage (English and Spanish) has been placed in all our buildings to support hygiene. |
- Cleaning
Please describe how you will implement the cleaning requirements for cleaning protocols from the Return to School Roadmap (p. 27).
Mason County Central Schools will implement the cleaning and disinfecting guidelines related to COVID 19. Mason County Central Schools is committed to hiring and training additional staff (sanitizers) to carry out the cleaning and disinfecting guidelines. We are committed within our budget of providing EPA approved disinfectants or diluted bleach solutions for cleaning of: frequently touched surfaces (light switches, doors, benches etc.,) every 4 hours throughout all our buildings. We are committed within our budget of providing EPA approved disinfectants or diluted bleach solutions for cleaning of libraries, computer labs, and hands on classrooms after every class period. We are committed within our budget of providing EPA approved disinfectants or diluted bleach solutions for cleaning of student desks after every class period. Mason County Central Schools is also committed to providing teacher cleaning kits for each classroom during the school day for cleaning within classrooms that do not have their students moving. Playground structures will undergo normal routine cleaning. Mason County Central Schools will continue the practice of safe and correct use and storage of cleaning and disinfection products including storing products securely with adequate ventilation. Cleaning staff will wear gloves, surgical masks and face shields when completing all cleaning activities. Mason County Central Schools is also updating all air quality through the use of Merv 13 air filters. Mason County Central Schools is also replacing drinking fountains to a non touch bottle refill system in all our buildings. In addition, we are installing plexiglass facial barriers at each school building office. We have also been able to install social distancing markers both inside our buildings and outside our buildings. |
- Athletics
Please describe how you will implement the requirements for athletics protocols from the Return to School Roadmap (p. 27).
Mason County Central Schools will work collaboratively with their athletic director who will have direct oversight with all athletics programs including all coaches, parents and athletes. Mason County Central Schools will comply with guidance issued through MHSAA and NFHS.Students, teachers, and staff must use proper hand hygiene techniques before and after every practice, event or other gathering, Every participant should confirm that they are healthy and without any symptoms prior to any event. All equipment must be disinfected before and after use. Inter-school competitions may be held provided that facial coverings are worn if school transportation is provided. Buses must be cleaned and disinfected before and after every use, as detailed in the subsequent “Bussing and Student Transportation” section. Spectators (as per any orders) are allowed provided that facial coverings are used by observers and six feet of social distancing can be maintained at all times. Attention must be given to entry and exit points to prevent crowding. Each participant must use a clearly marked water bottle for individual use. There should be no sharing of this equipment. Handshakes, fist bumps and other unnecessary contact must not occur. Indoor weight rooms and physical conditioning activities that require shared equipment are suspended. Outdoor physical conditioning activities are allowed while maintaining social distancing. Large scale indoor spectator events area suspended. Large scale outdoor spectator or stadium events are limited to 100 people, and people not part of the same household must maintain six feet of distance from one another. |
- Screening
Please describe how you will implement the requirements for screening protocols from the Return to School Roadmap (p. 24).
Mason County Central Schools will continue to collaborate with our local District Health Department in the development and implementation of protocols and procedures for the screening of students and staff. As these are developed and implemented they will be woven within our district level wellness committees and within our MERT (Medical Emergency Response Teams) at each building level.
Staff will conduct a daily screening evaluation through an online QR code form to assess their COVID 19 symptoms. This form helps to ensure us all that the health and well being of all staff and students is our primary concern, as any yes answer will prevent a staff member from entering our school buildings. Mason County Central Schools will be limiting adult access outside of staff for the protection and wellbeing of our staff and students.
Mason County Central Schools are taking a strong stance on educating and supporting our parents on the MUST of taking their child’s temperature daily and monitoring their symptoms to help provide a safe and healthy daily learning environment. Students who are exhibiting a fever (100.4 or higher) or any symptoms will not be allowed in any of our school buildings. A strong emphasis will be placed that the child be fever free without the aid of any medication. Health Department communication will be given to all parents supporting this along with posting on our App and website.
In the event a student becomes ill during the school day Mason County Central Schools will isolate within the child’s current classroom environment in grades Prek-5 and at the middle school and high school levels will isolate the student within the office with a mask requirement until an adult can pick them up. Mason County Central Schools will be asking for families to identify at least 3 responsible adults / family members who are able to pick up their child within 30 minutes from the time they are called. In the event a student becomes ill at the end of the school day they will not be allowed under any circumstances to board our transportation. |
- Testing
Please describe how you will implement the requirements for testing protocols from the Return to School Roadmap (p. 25).
- Busing and Student Transportation
Please describe how you will implement the requirements for busing and student transportation protocols from the Return to School Roadmap (p. 28).
Staff and Students at Mason County Central Schools in grades Prek-12 will all wear facial coverings when on the school bus. Staff and Students will only be exempt in the event of a medical condition impeding their ability to wear a facial covering. A Health Department created form will be used for these exemptions that must be signed by their physician. In the event that the staff member is a bus driver special consideration is taken if it impedes their driving ability. The expectation is that parents will provide facial coverings for their children, but in the event of not having a facial covering or economically disadvantaged disposable facial coverings will be provided by the driver.
Mason County Central Schools has installed on all buses hand sanitizer which all staff and students are expected to use upon boarding the bus. In addition, Mason County Central School is using assigned seating per the local District Health Department to assist in more easily identifying student exposure.
Mason County Central Schools will implement the cleaning and disinfecting guidelines related to COVID 19. Mason County Central Schools is committed to hiring and training additional staff (sanitizers) to carry out the cleaning and disinfecting guidelines. We are committed within our budget of providing EPA approved disinfectants or diluted bleach solutions for cleaning of our buses before and between our routes. In addition, we have purchased 360 degree disinfectant sprayers to sanitize our buses for all the unique frequently touched surfaces. Children will not be present during these times of cleaning and disinfecting. Our cleaning and disinfecting will include any equipment such as car seats, wheelchairs, walkers, and other adaptive equipment being transported to our schools daily.
In the event a student becomes ill during the school day Mason County Central Schools will isolate within the child’s current environment with a mask requirement until an adult can pick them up. Mason County Central Schools will be asking for families to identify at least 3 responsible adults / family members who are able to pick up their child within 30 minutes from the time they are called. In the event a student becomes ill at the end of the school day they will not be allowed under any circumstances to board our transportation.
Staff who develop a fever or become ill with COVID 19 symptoms during the school day will be provided a substitute in a timely manner. Mason County Central Schools under the developed guidelines of COVID 19 and Health Department guidelines which outline symptoms and concerns will provide resources for the staff member to receive possible off site testing. In addition, Tele Med can be accessed at each building level as needed. In the event that the staff tests positive for COVID 19 Health Department protocols will be followed. In addition, Mason County Central Schools will notify staff in writing of the presence of any laboratory positive or clinically diagnosed cases of COVID 19. Within the notification COVID 19 resources will be provided. Mason County Central Schools will cooperate with the local District Health Department in providing what is needed for contact tracing.
Weather permitting, Mason County Central Schools will keep doors and windows open when cleaning the vehicle and between trips to let the vehicles thoroughly air out. Weather permitting, we will also keep windows open while in motion to help reduce spread of the virus by increasing air circulation, if appropriate and safe.
All Mason County Central Schools buildings will have open communication to inform the Transportation Department of any student who would have a reason (signed form) for not being able to wear a facial covering.
Plan for Phase 5
- Describe the policies and procedures that the district will follow when the region in which the district is located is in Phase 5 of the Michigan Safe Start Plan.
Mason County Central Schools will continue to collaborate with our Health Department and utilize the Michigan Safe Start Plan upon entry into Phase 5. |
1. Indicate which highly recommended protocols from the Return to School Roadmap the district will include in its Preparedness Plan when the region in which the district is located is in Phase 5 of the Michigan Safe Start Plan.
Mason County Central Schools will provide adequate supplies to support healthy hygiene behaviors. This includes soap, 60% alcohol sanitizer, paper towels, tissues and signs throughout our buildings that support proper hand washing and hygiene techniques. Mason County Central Schools will also support by teaching proper handwashing techniques of at least 20 seconds and / or use of hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol. Our cleaning and disinfectant policies will include making sure all supplies are adequately filled throughout the school day. In addition, Mason County Central Schools has located throughout their buildings individual hand sanitizing stations. Mason County Central Schools will also support and reinforce students and teachers washing their hands as needed. Mason County Central Schools will encourage students to limit sharing of personal items and materials. Signage (English and Spanish) has been placed in all our buildings to support hygiene. Mason County Central Schools will implement the cleaning and disinfecting guidelines related to COVID 19. Mason County Central Schools is committed to hiring and training additional staff (sanitizers) to carry out the cleaning and disinfecting guidelines. We are committed within our budget of providing EPA approved disinfectants or diluted bleach solutions for cleaning of: frequently touched surfaces (light switches, doors, benches etc.,) throughout all our buildings. We are committed within our budget of providing EPA approved disinfectants or diluted bleach solutions for cleaning of libraries, computer labs, and hands on classrooms throughout the day. We are committed within our budget of providing EPA approved disinfectants or diluted bleach solutions for cleaning of student desks after every class period. Mason County Central Schools is also committed to providing teacher cleaning kits for each classroom during the school day cleaning within classrooms that do not have their students moving. Playground structures will undergo normal routine cleaning. Mason County Central Schools will continue the practice of safe and correct use and storage of cleaning and disinfection products including storing products securely with adequate ventilation. Cleaning staff will continue to wear gloves, and the district will support if additional items are requested. Mason County Central Schools is also updating all air quality through the use of Merv 13 air filters. Mason County Central Schools is also replacing drinking fountains to a non touch bottle refill system in all our buildings. In addition, we are installing plexiglass facial barriers at each school building office. We have also been able to install social distancing markers both inside out buildings and outside our buildings. Mason County Central Schools will work collaboratively with their athletic director who will have direct oversight with all athletics programs including all coaches, parents and athletes. Mason County Central Schools will comply with guidance issued through MHSAA and NFHS. Indoor spectator events are limited to 50 people. Large scale outdoor spectator or stadium events are limited to 250 people. Spectators not part of the same household must always maintain six feet of distance from one another. Students, teachers, and staff must use proper hand hygiene techniques before and after every practice, event or other gathering, Every participant should confirm that they are healthy and without any symptoms prior to any event. All equipment must be disinfected before and after use. Inter-school competitions may be held provided that facial coverings are worn if school transportation is provided. Buses must be cleaned and disinfected before and after every use, as detailed in the subsequent “Bussing and Student Transportation” section. Each participant must use a clearly marked water bottle for individual use. There should be no sharing of this equipment.
Mason County Central Schools will continue to collaborate with our District Health Department in the development and implementation of protocols and procedures for the screening of students and staff. As these are developed and implemented they will be woven within our district level wellness committees and within our MERT (Medical Emergency Response Teams) at each building level.
Staff will conduct a daily screening evaluation through an online QR code form to assess their COVID 19 symptoms. This form helps to ensure us all that the health and well being of all staff and students is our primary concern, as any yes answer will prevent a staff member from entering our school buildings. Mason County Central Schools will be monitoring adult access outside of staff for the protection and wellbeing of our staff and students.
Mason County Central Schools are taking a strong stance on educating and supporting our parents on the MUST of taking their child’s temperature daily and monitoring their symptoms to help provide a safe and healthy daily learning environment. Students who are exhibiting a fever (100.4 or higher) or any symptoms will not be allowed in any of our school buildings. A strong emphasis will be placed that the child be fever free without the aid of any medication. Health Department communication will be given to all parents supporting this along with posting on our App and website.
In the event a student becomes ill during the school day Mason County Central Schools will isolate within the child’s current classroom environment in grades Prek-5 and at the middle school and high school levels will isolate the student within the office with a mask requirement until an adult can pick them up. Mason County Central Schools will be asking for families to identify at least 3 responsible adults / family members who are able to pick up their child within 30 minutes from the time they are called. In the event a student becomes ill at the end of the school day they will not be allowed under any circumstances to board our transportation.
Mason County Central Schools will continue to collaborate with our District Health Department in the development and implementation of protocols and procedures for the testing and return of students and staff after a positive COVID 19 test.. As these are developed and implemented they will be woven within our district level wellness committees and within our MERT (Medical Emergency Response Teams) at each building level.
Students who develop a fever or become ill with COVID 19 symptoms during the school day will wear a mask. Mason County Central Schools under the developed guidelines of COVID 19 and District Health Department guidelines which outline symptoms and concerns will provide resources for the family to receive possible off site testing. In addition, Tele Med can be accessed at each building level as needed. In the event that the student tests positive for COVID 19 local district protocols will be followed. In addition, Mason County Central Schools will notify families in writing of the presence of any laboratory positive or clinically diagnosed cases of COVID 19. Within the notification COVID 19 resources will be provided. Mason County Central Schools will cooperate with the District Health Department in providing what is needed for contact tracing.
Staff who develop a fever or become ill with COVID 19 symptoms during the school day will be provided a substitute in a timely manner. Mason County Central Schools under the developed guidelines of COVID 19 and local District Health Department guidelines which outline symptoms and concerns will provide resources for the staff member to receive possible off site testing. In addition, Tele Med can be accessed at each building level as needed. In the event that the staff tests positive for COVID 19 local district protocols will be followed. In addition, Mason County Central Schools will notify staff in writing of the presence of any laboratory positive or clinically diagnosed cases of COVID 19. Within the notification COVID 19 resources will be provided. Mason County Central Schools will cooperate with the District Health Department in providing what is needed for contact tracing.
Mason County Central Schools has installed on all buses hand sanitizer which all staff and students are expected to use upon boarding the bus.
Mason County Central Schools will implement the cleaning and disinfecting guidelines related to COVID 19. Mason County Central Schools is committed to cleaning and disinfecting daily their bus fleet. We are committed within our budget of providing EPA approved disinfectants or diluted bleach solutions for cleaning of our buses. In addition, we have purchased 360 degree disinfectant sprayers to sanitize our buses for all the unique frequently touched surfaces. Children will not be present during these times of cleaning and disinfecting. Our cleaning and disinfecting will include any equipment such as car seats, wheelchairs, walkers, and other adaptive equipment being transported to our schools daily.
In the event a student becomes ill during the school day Mason County Central Schools will isolate within the child’s current environment with a mask requirement until an adult can pick them up. Mason County Central Schools will be asking for families to identify at least 3 responsible adults / family members who are able to pick up their child within 30 minutes from the time they are called. In the event a student becomes ill at the end of the school day they will not be allowed under any circumstances to board our transportation.
Staff who develop a fever or become ill with COVID 19 symptoms during the school day will be provided a substitute in a timely manner. Mason County Central Schools under the developed guidelines of COVID 19 and local District Health Department guidelines which outline symptoms and concerns will provide resources for the staff member to receive possible off site testing. In addition, Tele Med can be accessed at each building level as needed. In the event that the staff tests positive for COVID 19 local district protocols will be followed. In addition, Mason County Central Schools will notify staff in writing of the presence of any laboratory positive or clinically diagnosed cases of COVID 19. Within the notification COVID 19 resources will be provided. Mason County Central Schools will cooperate with the local District Health Department in providing what is needed for contact tracing.
Weather permitting, Mason County Central Schools will keep doors and windows open when cleaning the vehicle and between trips to let the vehicles thoroughly air out. Weather permitting, we will also keep windows open while in motion to help reduce spread of the virus by increasing air circulation, if appropriate and safe. |
2. Indicate which highly recommended protocols from the Return to School Roadmap the district will not include in its Preparedness Plan when the region in which the district is located is in Phase 5 of the Michigan Safe Start Plan.
Mason County Central Schools will not be requiring the below as it pertains to facial coverings during Phase 5. It should be noted that we will support any staff or student who makes the choice to continue to wear a facial covering.
i) Staff and Students at Mason County Central Schools in grades Prek-12 will all wear facial coverings when on the school bus. Staff and Students will only be exempt in the event of a medical condition impeding their ability to wear a facial covering. A Health Department created form will be used for these exemptions that must be signed by their physician. In the event that the staff member is a bus driver special consideration is taken if it impedes their driving ability. The expectation is that parents will provide facial coverings for their children, but in the event of not having a facial covering or economically disadvantaged disposable facial coverings will be provided by the driver.
ii) Staff and Students at Mason County Central Schools in grades Prek-12 will all wear facial coverings when in indoor hallways and common areas.
iii) All Staff at Mason County Central Schools will all wear facial coverings in the classroom.
iv) All Students at Mason County Central Schools will all wear facial coverings in the classroom grades 6-12.
v) All Students in grades PreKindergarten through 5 will not be required to wear facial coverings in their classroom if they do not come into close contact with students in another classroom, and have remained with their class throughout the school day.
- After considering all the protocols that are highly recommended in the Return to School Roadmap, please indicate if a school plans to exclude protocols that are highly recommended for any of the categories above in Phase 4.
Yes, Mason County Central Schools will not under the facial coverings guidance require students Prek-5 to wear in the classroom. Yes, Mason County Central Schools will not due to space requirements require student personal belongings to be kept in individual cubbies, containers, lockers etc., |