
Dear Parents and Guardians, 

We know the past few months have been difficult for all, especially for our students and their families. We are working hard planning for the day when school can reopen. We are very interested in getting perspectives of parents and guardians about how their children’s education progressed during the school closure and their thoughts and concerns about reopening. 

Please help us by completing this short (5 minute) survey by Monday, June 29th:

 Parent Survey: Remote Learning Reflections and Thoughts on Reopening Schools: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r... 

The link for the survey will also be available  on the district website. 

If you have any questions or concerns about this survey, please contact the Central Business Office at 231-757-3713 Thank you very much for your time and input. 

Sincerely yours, 

Jeff Mount 
