Great work by the JV Spartan Volleyball team as we won the Brethren JV invite over the weekend!
over 5 years ago, Jeff Tuka
Spartans getting ready to face Montague in the first home game of the season! Fire up, MCC!
over 5 years ago, Jeff Tuka
Mrs. Gerhart's ELA sophomores using Quizizz for vocabulary work on Chromebooks.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Tuka
What better way to learn lab safety in science than to use M&M's? Students doing good work in Mr. Millspaugh's today!
over 5 years ago, Jeff Tuka
This is a final reminder that the class of 2023 online store will be closing this Sunday, September 8th. After this date, the store will be closed and final. If you would like to order some 2023 gear, please make sure you do it prior to this Sunday. The store link is
over 5 years ago, Jeff Tuka
Make sure that you check out the Jostens store online! It has all MCC apparel needs for your class and the 2019-20 school year!
over 5 years ago, Jeff Tuka
Reminder to all that the first day of school, Tuesday, September 3rd is a half-day for students. Student dismissal will be at 11:30am.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Tuka
Once again we would like to think Smith & Eddy Insurance For being a sponsor of the refinishing of our gym floor! special thanks to The MCC alums that work for Smith and Eddy as well!
over 5 years ago, Jeff Tuka
MCC drops a hard-fought football game in the opener tonight at Manistee 29-15. Spartans played well in the 2nd half but start 0-1.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Tuka
MCC High School has been designated as one of America’s best high schools again! Great work from our students and teachers to be one of the best as designated by the U.S. News and World Report. #TheSpartanWay
over 5 years ago, Jeff Tuka
New gym floor is completed and looks great! Thanks to Smith and Eddy for helping us with a partial sponsorship! Gym will not be available until Monday, August 26th.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Tuka
Sanding, painting, and refinishing the high school gym floor is underway. Please stay out of the gym and mezzanine areas until August 16th. Thank you Spartans!
over 5 years ago, Jeff Tuka
MCC Class of 1969 was in for their 50th class reunion and a tour of the high school. We hope they had a great time coming home!
over 5 years ago, Jeff Tuka
MCC Robotics team with our robot I. The 4th of July parade. Special thanks to MCE, LHS and G2S for collaborating with us.
over 5 years ago, Jeff Tuka
Youth boys basketball camp will be starting at MCC. Check out the flyer showing here. Walk ups are welcome!
over 5 years ago, Jeff Tuka
Camp flyer
Big results for MCC seniors in the HOSA Worlds in Orlando. Congrats to Zech Kmiecik, Ty Wehner and Brooke Mallison along with Emma Althouse (LHS).
over 5 years ago, Jeff Tuka
Summer Feeding Program - Go to our Website at for more information or call MCC Foodservice (231) 757-5721 for a location near you! Ask about FREE books to support your child's summer reading at home!
over 5 years ago, Angela Taylor
Lady Spartan basketball camp was a success! Great job by Coach Weinert and his staff. Also thank you to the. High school players, volunteers and sponsors! #TheSpartanWay
over 5 years ago, Jeff Tuka