Please go to the "News feed" of the MCC Schools App to see the latest information about Food Services deliveries and locations.
Here is the latest high school newsletter from Mr. Tuka.
Congratulations to MCC Wrestlers Andrew Quinn (6th) and Zach Quinn (5th) for gaining all-state honors at Ford Field over the weekend!
Another Team trophy for MCC Forensics! 3rd Place Large School Division! 13 events in finals!
Wedensday, March 11th the Criminal Justice program at CTE is holding safe driving rally at NAPA. Check out this website and stop by for free car safety inspections.
Some sights from our freshmen visiting the MiCareer Quest job fair at Ferris St. University today.
Great piece by WSCC President, Scott Ward in the MCP on local robotics teams including MCC Spartronics.
Tough end to the season for varsity girls basketball as we fall to Evart 46-35 in districts.
MCC boys varsity wins an OT thriller vs. Ludington on senior night. Ludington and MCC both played their hearts out. Good luck to LHS in districts. Thank you to our seniors. MCC plays in Pine River at Pine River on Monday.
Congratulations to boys JV on a fine season. Ended the season strong with a 59-43 victory over Ludington.
Great crowd on hand for the final home boys basketball game and senior night. We welcome Ludington.
Winter recognition assembly for clubs and teams. Boys/girls basketball, Forensics, Band, Art Prize, Robotics, Wrestling, Cheer and Hockey. #wearethemightyspartans
March is reading month. Check out our library display case on what our staff is reading to promote literacy in our building.
MCC alum, Ryan Mount, wins the GLIAC indoor championship in the high jump. Winning jump was 6’10”. We are proud of you, Ryan!
Teachers working on curriculum alignment and closing gaps to grow our instructional practices. Quality PD on a Friday afternoon
MCC Forensics get 1st place in the large school division at Frankenmuth. That’s three firsts in five tournaments this year!
Dr. Griswold stopped by Mr. Weinert’s Anatomy Class today to talk with students on the field of dentistry
US History Final Exam prep on Quizlet in Mr. Genson’s class
Girls varsity basketball beats Onekama at home to end the regular season. MCC girls begin district playoff Wednesday at Hart vs. the Evart Wildcats. Go Spartans!
We honor Grace VanDyke, Rachel Miller and Briana Allen on Senior night. Thank you, Seniors!