Click on the link that is now updated to work for iphone and android phones for the MCC High School Orientation video
Please go to the NEWS portion of the MCC app to view the Fall 2020 Back to School Letter. The letter will also be sent out in the U.S. mail this week. This letter has information on student schedules and school pictures along with locker assignments and 1st day of school info.
50+ new fiction titles for our library all ready for the return of our students this fall!
MCC Medical Emergency Response Teams training with Kelly Barnhardt of Spectrum and Liz Reimink, Mason County Emergency Manager. Practice and education to prep for the upcoming year.
Hurting for our football players and coaches but we’ll pass up in the spring! All other fall sports are still ongoing!
Cross country and Volleyball practice information:
Cross country runners should meet Coach Sanders in front of the Upper Elementary tomorrow, Wednesday, August 12th at 8 am.
Volleyball for JV and Varsity girls will begin tomorrow, Wednesday, August 12th at 6 pm at the high school with Coach Smith. Practice maybe indoors or outdoors pending an MHSAA update.
All students must have a face covering. Students with 2019/2020 school year physical may use those, but they do need to have the Parent Health Questionnaire filled out. That waiver form can be found at or a form can be picked up in our Central Business Office. Students new to sports must have an up to date physical form turned in to the Athletic Director or Trainer, or their Head Coach. Questions can be directed to Athletic Director Tim Genson at
Spartan Football is back at it!
High School football practice will begin Monday, August 10th. Boys should report to the Mud room area on the east side of the high school by the Central Business Office at 5 pm. Practice will last until 8 pm. Students must have a physical on file or turned in to the coach before they practice. Students who had a physical during the 2019/2020 school year MAY use that physical for the 2020/2021 school year by simply filling out a parent waiver health questionnaire which can be found at or picked up at the Central Business Office. Any questions can be directed to Athletic Director Tim Genson at
Please go to the "NEWS" section of the MCC Schools app for the latest high school newsletter clarifying our Spartan Connected E2020 learn from home option.
Sports physicals for the 2020/2021 school year: Students who HAD a physical for the 2019/2020 school year may use that physical, but parents must fill out the health questionnaire for the 2020/2021 school year posted on the website or pick up a copy in the Central Business Office. This questionnaire must be attached to last year's physical form for the student to be eligible. Any questions can be directed to Tim Genson at
Please click this link to do our return to school survey. Great article about our very own, Mr. Richert!
Sports physicals for the 2020/2021 school year: Students who HAD a physical for the 2019/2020 school year may use that physical, but parents must fill out the health questionnaire for the 2020/2021 school year posted on the website or pick up a copy in the Central Business Office. This questionnaire must be attached to last year's physical form for the student to be eligible. Any questions can be directed to Tim Genson at
Spartan Football is back at it! Preparation for Fall 2020 starts tonight! #TheSpartanWay
Students interested in running cross country this fall should contact Mr. And Mrs. Sanders at (231) 233-3373
We value your thoughts! Please help us by completing this short (5 minute) survey by Monday, June 29th: Parent Survey: Remote Learning Reflections and Thoughts on Reopening Schools:
Online Summer Learning is available! Click on the picture for details.