Mason County Central High School
MCC Family,
We have hit our stride in December but are now into the second trimester of the school year. Students are settling into new classes at the high school. Teachers are now signing off on final grades and report cards will be forthcoming. Please have patience with report cards as the short Thanksgiving Week factors into our staff finishing off the final grades process.
Our office staff and advisors are doing the figuring for our Spartan Way 3A’s Long-Lunch Friday reward for the 2nd trimester. The three A’s are:
Attendance (Showing up is Job #1!)
I can report that our preliminary findings are that the students here at MCC are showing gains in all of those compared to the first trimester of the 2023-24 school year. Students who qualify for long-lunch Friday will be rewarded this Friday, including our Freshmen who could qualify for the first time.
The MCC Drama department will be presenting “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare this weekend. The shows will be on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Stay tuned for show times and come see our students perform in the A.O. Carlson.
The National Honor Society will be hosting a blood drive this Friday, Dec. 6th in our main gym. Please consider signing up to donate and save a life.
Did you know?
Winter Sports have kicked off and will continue until the middle of March. Our first home event is boys basketball on Tuesday vs. North Muskegon.
Our 10th-grade students will be visiting CTE classes on Friday, Nov. 6th
Quiz Bowl and Forensics are right around the corner. Please support these teams!
Our Esports team will be competing against Saline High School in the state playoffs on Tuesday night. Go, Spartans!
The last day of school before Christmas Break is Dec. 20th. We return to school on January 7th.
We hope to see all of you in our building for the events that are happening this month all courtesy of our students at MCC High School. Stay safe and be well, Spartans!
Jeffrey A. Tuka, Principal
Mason County Central High School