Mason County Central
High School
MCC Family,
It is a very important time for students at Mason County Central. The weather is warming up and that means that the end of the school year is very rapidly approaching. It also means that it is the testing season at MCC and all other schools in the state of Michigan. Here are the dates and times for tests along with what grade level takes each test:
Wednesday, April 12th----SAT for juniors 8:25 am-1:00 pm
PSAT for Freshmen, Sophomores, 8:25am-12:23pm
***Freshmen, Sophomores may leave at 12:23 pm with notes or phone calls from parents. Office staff prefer notes from parents or phone calls the previous day. If any students ride the bus home they may stay in the library, cafeteria, or gym.
***Juniors will be free to leave school at 1:00 pm
*** Seniors will be attending the career fair at WSCC and then are free to go.
Thursday, April 13, 2023
ACT WorkKeys-Juniors Only
The test is given to juniors only on Thursday, April 13th
Juniors will all be in the AO Carlson from 8:25 am-12:30 pm. Students must attend afternoon classes at MCC.
Attending afternoon CTE is optional since they will be missing the bus to go to the college.
Friday, April 14, 2023
MSTEP- Juniors Only
Students will either be in an AM or a PM session based on CTE, Forensics and athletics.
Science and social studies tests.
All students need Chromebooks…FULLY CHARGED!
All students will go back to class when finished.
Students should have calculators for the SAT/PSAT and the ACT Workkeys. They do not need calculators for the MSTEP.
We will send out another newsletter in the month of April to update parents on all things related to the end of the school year. If you have questions regarding testing, please call the high school office at (231) 757-4748.
Have a good start to spring, Spartans!
Jeffrey A. Tuka, Principal
Mason County Central High School