Dear MCC School Family, At the end of the day today, Thursday, December 9th, Middle School Staff and Administration were made aware of a rumored threat from an MCC Middle School Student. The Scottville Police Department was notified immediately to help us determine if the rumor was true and a threat could be verified. The student in question, along with his parents were paid a visit at home by Chief Murphy of the Scottville PD. From the investigation/threat assessment, it was determined that the rumor was NOT credible and was started by another student or students entirely. Let me make this perfectly clear... there is NOT a threat toward the school as rumored. It is unfortunate that we now have to deal with the student(s) that is/are the source of the rumor and said student(s) could face severe consequences at school and possibly within the courts as such a hurtful and untrue rumor can completely disrupt a school system, cause deep community concern, heightened anxiety and a waste of public safety/ school resources. Parents, please have a conversation with your children about how words can have serious consequences and never is there a time to even joke about something as serious as a school shooting. And Students, we thank you for sharing what you heard at school or on the bus this afternoon so we could be sure to track any threat or rumor down and assure our schools remain a safe place to learn and grow. As we often say: If you see or hear something that could hurt you or others... PLEASE TELL US. Thank you Chief Murphy for running down every lead to get to the bottom of this unfortunate and completely avoidable situation.
over 2 years ago, Jeff Mount
Spartan Logo
Last Chance to Help Us Out!! Survey Closes this Friday. Mason County Central Schools is applying to receive Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds(ESSER) to address learning recovery from the impact of COVID-19. These funds are designated for one-time or short-term expenditures to address the ongoing impact of the pandemic. The administration of Mason County Central Schools is seeking feedback from all district and community stakeholders to help determine how the district should best utilize these resources to address unfinished learning, ongoing COVID-19 recovery and Federal Program grant funds. Please let us know your opinions by completing this brief survey by December 10th. Survey Link: Thank you for your feedback.
over 2 years ago, Jeff Mount
Don’t forget that Santa Clause is coming to Downtown Scottville tomorrow Saturday December 4th. Parade starts at 6pm with crafts, bonfire & s’mores, and pictures with Santa to follow.
over 2 years ago, Amy Mikulskis
SCHEDULE YOUR STUDENT'S VACCINES COVID-19 | FLU | CHILDHOOD VACCINES Vaccinations are by appointment only Please call 888-217-3904 See Flyer for more details
over 2 years ago, Amy Mikulskis
Mason County Central Schools is applying to receive Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds(ESSER) to address learning recovery from the impact of COVID-19. These funds are designated for one-time or short-term expenditures to address the ongoing impact of the pandemic. The administration of Mason County Central Schools is seeking feedback from all district and community stakeholders to help determine how the district should best utilize these resources to address unfinished learning, ongoing COVID-19 recovery and Federal Program grant funds. Please let us know your opinions by completing this brief survey by December 10th. Survey Link: Thank you for your feedback.
almost 3 years ago, Jeff Mount
Santa's Coming to Main Street Come down to Main street in Scottville on Saturday December 4th for a Santa parade starting at 6pm with a tree lighting at 7pm along with a Bonfire & Smores, Christmas Crafts, and Pictures with Santa!!! Please see the attached flyer for more information.
almost 3 years ago, Amy Mikulskis
We would like to remind Parents that tomorrow, November 24th, will be a half day for all students and staff. Scottville Elementary will dismiss at 11:20 and the rest of the buildings will dismiss at 11:30. School will resume on Monday, November 29th. We hope you have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving break!!
almost 3 years ago, Amy Mikulskis
MCC Honors our Nation's Veterans.
almost 3 years ago, Jeff Mount
Veterans Day
Just a Reminder: The MCC Facilities Survey Ends this Friday! If you have not had an opportunity yet, please take a moment to complete the online survey regarding the MCC Bond Proposal: The Survey will be open through Friday, November 5th so do not miss out on your chance to help guide our District's and Community's Facility Plans. Stay Strong Spartans!!
almost 3 years ago, Jeff Mount
WE REALLY WANT YOUR INPUT!! Please take a moment to complete the online survey regarding the MCC Bond Proposal: The Survey will be Open through Friday, November 5th so do not miss out on your chance to help us with Facility Plans for the future of Mason County Central School District and the Community of Scottville.
almost 3 years ago, Jeff Mount
ARE YOU READY TO JOIN THE MCC TRANSPORTATION TEAM? BUS DRIVERS ARE NEEDED. Check it out in the Newsfeed of this App or on our Website.
almost 3 years ago, Jeff Mount
almost 3 years ago, Jeff Mount
SAVE THE DATE AND TIME! Mason County Central Schools is hosting a Community Forum regarding a potential school bond project and we are seeking the community's input. The Forum is scheduled for next Wednesday, October 27th at 6:00pm in the High School Cafeteria. Hope to see you there!!
almost 3 years ago, Jeff Mount
Dear MCC School Family, FOR IMMEDIATE EFFECT: At tonight's (10/18/2021) Board of Education meeting it was decided to modify the 2021-22 Return to Learn Plan to no longer require masks for teachers, staff, students and visitors in grades Pre-K through 6th. Masks are highly recommended for all; and encouraged for vaccinated staff and students. Please know this does not apply to school buses as there is still a federal mandate for all public transportation including our MCC buses.
almost 3 years ago, Jeff Mount
Just a reminder to parents that there will be no school TOMORROW October 8th as the teacher will be participating in an in-service day. School will resume on Monday October 11th. We hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!
almost 3 years ago, Amy Mikulskis
If your children are virtual learners you are entitled to free breakfast and lunch. See the attached flyer or call MCC Food Service department – 231-757-5721 for more information.
almost 3 years ago, Amy Mikulskis
virtual lunch
Good morning, we'd like to share a point of clarification with our families regarding our lunch program. As you are aware, breakfast and lunch are free for all children this year (Fed. Government funded). Breakfast and lunch also come with a choice of chocolate or white milk. Unfortunately, children that carry a cold lunch would need to purchase their milk ( .35 cents) if they choose to take one. Milk is not considered part of the free program if the children don't order a full lunch. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
almost 3 years ago, Amy Mikulskis
MCC Ed Foundation golf outing today. Thanks to all sponsors, donors, and golfers for enhancing our foundation for education!
almost 3 years ago, Jeff Tuka
almost 3 years ago, MCC Schools
The Varsity football game between Manistee and Mason County Central this Friday, August 27th is cancelled due to COVID-19 issues. The game maybe rescheduled later in the season. Manistee will be traveling to Wyoming Godwin Hts this Friday for a Varsity game.
about 3 years ago, Jeff Tuka