The administrator of the MHSAA-purchased catastrophic accident medical insurance plan for 2016-17 has clarified some insurance issues relative to transportation.
Under the MHSAA-purchased plan . . .
“Eligible student-athletes are covered while traveling directly to and from a scheduled event as a representative of the school while traveling in transportation sponsored by the school, and while participating in-season in an allowed activity under the direct supervision of a full-time school employee or coach designated by the school acting within the scope of his/her coaching duties in those sports for which the MHSAA provides a tournament series.”
The administrator has confirmed in writing that the meaning is to include school-provided transportation (school bus, school van, school vehicle) as well as a coach who is authorized by the school to drive student-athletes, and it includes transportation to a practice, scrimmage or contest.
The coverage does not cover or include a parent who is driving only his/her own son or daughter in a personal vehicle, nor does it cover a student who is authorized by the school to drive himself/herself.
No advance authorization form is required. The accident claim form will determine if it was school-authorized transportation. It is prudent for schools’ written policies to authorize specifically if students and/or parents and/or coaches may provide transportation and the conditions under which they may do so.
Please refer to the MHSAA Handbook at for an overview of the Catastrophic Accident Medical Insurance plan. If you have questions regarding the MHSAA-purchased plan, please contact Mark Uyl in the MHSAA office. The administrator of this plan is Bryan Cronen, First Agency, Inc., 5071 West H Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI 49009-8501. Phone: 269-381-6630. Fax: 269-381-3055. Email:
Michigan High School Athletic Association
Phone: 517-332-5046
Fax: 517-332-4071